Homeless Assistance

McKinney-Vento Act / Homeless Assistance

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. McKinney-Vento provides federal funding to states to support district programs that serve homeless students.

Almont Community Schools is committed to ensuring all students have a place to feel safe, and for many homeless students, that place is often their school. Our district is committed to identifying and assisting our homeless students and their families by providing additional resources to keep children in school. Statistics show that students experiencing homelessness often struggle when compared to their peers due to chronic absenteeism and lack of nutrition. Almont Community Schools can provide students and their parents with resources to help reduce absenteeism, increase nutritional and food stability, and mitigate barriers to learning. We are proud of our work with the Lapeer/Genesee Intermediate School District and various other local, state, and federal partners which provides our underserved communities with the same opportunities as other students.

McKinney-Vento Definition of Homeless

An individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. A child may be eligible for McKinney-Vento services if the child is sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason.

If you are in a homeless situation, such as residing in a hotel, motel, campground, shelter, car, public space, or sharing the housing of others due to housing loss, please contact Danielle Murdock, Homeless Education Liaison of Almont Community Schools, or Cheryl Zapfe, McKinney-Vento Program Specialist of Genesee County and Lapeer County, to identify what servers and supports may be available. Their contact information can be found in the contact cards below.

If you need further assistance with your educational needs, please contact the National Center for Homeless Education with the information from the contact card below.


Danielle Murdock

Homeless Education Liaison

Almont Community Schools


[email protected]

Cheryl Zapfe

McKinney-Vento Program Speicalist

Genesee County & Lapeer County


[email protected]

National Center for Homeless Education


[email protected]


Homeless Education Liaison

Danielle Murdock, M.A, BCBA, MI-LBA

Behavior Specialist

Almont Middle School


[email protected]

4624 Kidder Rd, Almont, MI 48003