Read by Grade Three: A Guide for Parents
Kindergarten Round Up
Reading Success Calendar
Staff are out front each morning starting at 8:30am to supervise and welcome our students to school as they exit their cars and walk themselves to line up to enter the building at 8:30am. The doors will remain open from 8:30 - 8:35am to allow students to enter for the day. Students MAY NOT be dropped off before 8:30am to wait outside.
If your child is coming into breakfast, they may enter through the main doors beginning at 8:10am.
[email protected]
Director of Student Success
Behavioral Specialist
Almont Community Schools
4701 Howland Road, Almont, MI 48003
Nurture, prepare, and empower our students to reach their full potential.
Our students will be prepared to positively impact their future, their community, and the world.