Orchard Primary School

Kindergarten Promo Video

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General Information

Address 4664 Kidder Rd, Almont, MI 48003
Main office phone 810-798-7019
Main office fax 810-798-3530
Student population 475
Grade configuration Young 5s – 3rd
School hours, full day 8:30am – 3:45pm
School hours, half day 8:30am – 11:45am
Office hours 8:00am – 4:00pm

Staff are out front each morning starting at 8:30am to supervise and welcome our students to school as they exit their cars and walk themselves to line up to enter the building at 8:30am. The doors will remain open from 8:30 - 8:35am to allow students to enter for the day. Students MAY NOT be dropped off before 8:30am to wait outside.

If your child is coming into breakfast, they may enter through the main doors beginning at 8:10am.


Adam Bruno


[email protected]

Stephen Shifflett

Director of Student Success

[email protected]

Rebecca Schlund

Behavioral Specialist

[email protected]

Susan Stone


[email protected]

Jacklyn Niedermaier


[email protected]

Learning is a Lifelong Process

  • All people need and deserve to be treated with care, dignity, and respect.
  • Our school will provide a safe, caring, and orderly environment.
  • Each child is a unique individual and learns in different ways to succeed.
  • Authentic self-esteem accelerates learning and achievement.
  • The quality of our learning community is dependent on the time, effort, and cost invested.
  • Each child shares responsibility for his/her own learning and actions.
  • Every person has the opportunity to learn with an active partnership between the school, the student, the home, and the community.

Compliance Officers

Kimberly VonHiltmayer


Almont Community Schools


[email protected]

4701 Howland Road, Almont, MI 48003

Mission Statement

Nurture, prepare, and empower our students to reach their full potential.


Our students will be prepared to positively impact their future, their community, and the world.